AML Guidelines in the European Union. What Should Financial Companies Know When Applying Business Verification?

Over the past decade, the EU has been considering how to combat the potential illicit flows through banks and other financial institutions. It’s clear that stricter financial processes call for a more robust action plan from all financial players. This time, we’ll review the EU and its standards by providing all the necessary guidelines.

Adomas Vitkauskas

Ugnė Explains What it Means to be a Team Lead

Hello, September! While the weather is getting colder, we advise you to grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax while you learn more about another wonderful member of the team – Ugnė – our Data Review Specialists’ Team Lead.

How to Check if a Company is Legitimate

Especially in business, signing a contract without doing detailed research can result in becoming a money laundering channel. That’s why in today’s complex digital environment, it’s essential to take your time to research every single company that you’re interested in doing business with. 

How Viktas Got Interested in Technology as a Kid

Meet Viktas, iDenfy’s Mobile Application Developer, who’s passionate about technology and a bunch of other fascinating things.

Top 3 Things to Look for in an Identity Verification Mobile SDK

When choosing an identity verification SDK, it’s important to know the key features to look for. Find out which ones are best suited for your needs.

Face authentication recognises a fraudster

Face Authentication: Why It Completes Your Identity Verification

KYC is a perfect choice for onboarding your customer. It is quick to do and provides all the required information the business needs to know. Coupled with the AML compliance tool, it might seem that your current onboarding process is complete. However, a missing piece here is customer re-authentication after the initial onboarding. This blog […]

Use WordPress plugin for identity verifications

Empower Your WordPress Site with Identity Verification

iDenfy launches a new WordPress plugin to integrate identity verification into your WordPress-powered site seamlessly. Sometimes, you need a quick way to authenticate the customer inside your website. It could be an e-commerce website, online forum, or teaching platform. Regardless of the content, the goal is always the same – customer needs to be verified, and any […]

Erika Recommends Working in a Startup Early in Your Career

While we’re enjoying the summer heat and the long joyful nights, we might as well learn more about the people behind iDenfy. So sit back and relax, as today we’re presenting our Client Relations Manager, Erika Simanavičiūtė. She’s one of our youngest and most passionate team members. Did you know that the bright mind started […]

Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Verification Explained

It’s no secret that analyzing corporate structures and identifying customer identities can be a complex and lengthy process. Today’s businesses must comply with the ever-growing regulations and ensure that the company is safeguarded from being involved in suspicious activities. Institutions that follow Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules and abide Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF) need to review their Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).

face authentication for identity verification

Improve KYC Process Using Face Authentication

iDenfy launches a face authentication toolkit to authenticate your existing customers by minimizing the account takeover threats There is a constant threat of account takeover to perform high-value transactions or change your sensitive account data. All of those actions should be secured using additional verification. Yet it has to be seamless and not make the […]

Know Your Business (KYB) Verification: What You Need to Know

Learn what Know Your Business, or KYB verification, is, focusing on the main compliance challenges in regulated, high-risk industries while learning about key automation solutions.

Deividas — the Backend Team Lead Who Dreamt of Being a Doctor

It’s that time of the month when we present our beloved team members! If you’ve been following us for a while now, you’ve met our other specialists: Gintarė, Viktor, and Raminta. We’re thrilled that our team is getting bigger and stronger. One of our goals is to welcome the best specialists into our family and […]

Identity Verification in the Art Market: KYC/AML Checklist to Prevent Fraud

While some use art to awaken their imagination or express themselves, others see it as a great way to invest. You can argue about the taste in art or what piece to put in your living room, but one thing’s for sure: art has always been a part of luxury and an entry into the elite. It also comes with a huge price tag and a possible risk factor. In this article, we discuss how identity verification helps combat fraud in the art market.