Arkansas Social Media Safety Act

The Arkansas Social Media Safety Act is a safety law directed at minors and protects them from harmful content online. Under the Act, social media companies must check how old their users are, meaning they need to implement age verification measures. The Social Media Safety Act also makes it illegal for minors to have their own accounts on social media unless their parent or legal guardian agrees. 

In April 2023, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed the Act into law. Despite that, a federal judge stopped the Arkansas Social Media Safety Act temporarily later in September. Currently, the governor of Arkansas is encouraging lawmakers to resume working on it.

Frequently asked questions


What is the Main Requirement for Users Under the Arkansas Social Media Safety Act?


The Act requires all users, including minors and adults, to provide a government-issued ID document and verify their age before using social media. The Arkansas Social Media Safety Act applies to both new or already existing accounts. Under the Act, when companies identify users under 18, they must request parental consent before allowing them to use social media.


Is the Arkansas Social Media Safety Act Currently Effective?


Why did the Court Block the Act?


What Companies Does the Arkansas Social Media Safety Act Affect?


Are there Any Exceptions to this Act?


What are the Fines and Penalties for Non-Compliance?


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